Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Life's greatest miracle Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Life's greatest miracle - Term Paper Example The producer of the program, Julia Cort notes that the urge to procreate is fundamental to all insects, birds, primates among others. DNA is a molecule responsible for carrying genetic material. It has been 4 billion years since the first discovery of this core molecule of life (Lifes Greatest Miracle). Bacteria replicate by cloning, that makes the parent and the clone identical with the exception of fornication mutants. Cloning as a type of reproduction is disadvantageous in that the species are prone to wipe out in case of a detrimental disease. Sexual reproduction on the other hand involves a male and female organism. Genes from each parent are vital for copulation to take place. The off spring from sexual reproduction is different from the parents and others. Sex results to difference. Variety is advantageous to a population because it translates to survival of a species. Sperm formation takes place in the testicles of a male organism with an approximation of 100,000,000 sperms per day (Lifes Greatest Miracle). Each sperm carries a unique genetic package. Miosis is the process that eggs and sperms undergo for them to exist (Lifes Greatest Miracle). The medical photographer explains the process with the aid of sex cells (egg and sperm). A pair of chromosomes in a sex cell replicate each forming two strands of chromosome attached at the centre. The chromosome then condenses to from an X shape. The partners coil around each other at specific points resulting to the transfer of genetic material. As mentioned earlier, sexual reproduction promotes diversity. Diversity increases the probability of organisms to survive. The narrator tells that majority of males start producing sperms during puberty while in females the creation of eggs onsets as a fetus. The eggs die off over the years. A teenage female outnumbers the adult female in terms of eggs in the ova ry. However, in comparison to a sperm, an egg is of quality rather

Monday, October 28, 2019

The sixth sense - review Essay Example for Free

The sixth sense review Essay I think that the sixth sense falls into a mystery-thriller. Mystery because at the start you wonder whats wrong with Cole, but half way though we find out his problem that he can see dead people, and then we wonder how he can be helped and will Malcolm be able to help him. Near the end there is an unexpected twist, and you find out Malcolm has been dead all along. The audience needs to believe that Malcolm has been dead all the time; otherwise we would know Cole could see dead people all along and most of the scenes would be pointless. Some bits of the film are scary and can make u jump, thats why it falls into a thriller. The film is meant to trick the audience all the way through with loads of twists and turns. The film could make people think maybe just for one second, are their dead people walking around that we cant see? And is there any one who could see dead people? At the beginning of the first scene it looks as if Coles mum and Malcolm have been having a conversation, because they are facing each other and appear to be looking at each other, we also think they have been having a conversation by the way they have been sitting, it looks like they have been sitting there for a while and they are nice and comfortable, but we actually dont see them talking. When Cole comes home Coles mum goes to great him, and they start to tell each other about there days that didnt really happen, like there dream days. While Cole and his mum talk about there dream day Malcolm smiles, this tell us that he knows what they said they did in there days arent true but its a nice thing to do, it also shows Cole and his mum have a good relationship. This scene is important for later on when Coles mum gets accused for beating him, this scene proves she would never hurt him and they have a good relationship. As Coles mum leaves the room she says you have got an hour this makes the audience assume that Malcolm and Cole have an hour to talk, but what she really means is Cole has an hour until dinner. The Camera helps deceive us because Coles mum turns around as she says, you have got an hour making it look like shes talking to Malcolm. After Coles mum leaves the room Cole and Malcolm play a game, Malcolm says its a mind reading game and if he reads Coles mind correctly Cole takes a step forward, but if he reads him mind wrong Cole takes a step back, if Cole get to the chair were Malcolm is sitting, he sits down and talks to Malcolm, but if he gets to the door he can go. We dont think anything unusual about Malcolm getting some of the questions about Cole right because he must know some background information about Cole as part of his job. We think Cole and Malcolms relationship is good and Malcolm is trying to build up Coles trusts with him, we think that have a normal Doctor client relationship. Cole says Malcolm is nice but he doesnt think Malcolm can help him, he says you cant help me Malcolm and Cole talk about Coles life at school, when his dad left and about Coles mum going to see someone like Malcolm but he didnt help her, and thats why Cole thinks Malcolm cant help him. Its important we think Cole and Malcolm have a normal Doctor client relationship so that we think Malcolm is a normal Doctor. We now know that Cole can see dead people because when hes in the hospital with Malcolm he says, I can see dead people. When Cole sees ghosts it is usually dark and it gets cold, it gets cold when the ghosts are angry, we no this because after the school play Cole says to Malcolm when they get mad it gets cold . When Cole talks to Malcolm it doesnt get cold and u cant see his breath, this shows that Malcolm is not angry and does not no hes dead, also if it got cold and we could see Coles breath when hes around Malcolm we would no Malcolm was dead half way threw, and we are not meant to find out until the end. At the begging of the restaurant scene we see Anna sitting down with her back to the camera, and Malcolm walking towards her threw the restaurant, then there is a close up on Malcolm standing right at the table looking directly at Anna, then he sits down and says Im sorry Anna she then looks straight ahead at him hes looking to his right as he talks, there is no eye contact, direct eye contact is made as the camera moves closer, Malcolm straight away after saying sorry to Anna starts talking about Cole, as the camera moves in they again avoid eye contact, there is a close up on Malcolm still talking to Anna about Cole. The camera pans round the weightier buts the cheque on the table, we see Anna and Malcolm both go to grab it Anna takes the cheque quickly making us think she is angry with Malcolm and doesnt want him to pay for it, as Anna signs the cheque the camera bends behind Malcolm, as it does so Malcolm apologises for the way he has been acting, Anna is mostly looking down signing the cheque and putting her things in her bag, as Malcolm is apologising Anna looks up making people think that she is agreeing with him, but she is really looking up because someone was laughing she looks down sadly again and says happy anniversary . During the whole scene we do not see them directly talking to each other and having a proper convocation. We think Anna is angry with Malcolm because he was late, and when he comes he just says sorry and then he starts talking about Cole, then he says sorry to her properly. As she leaves she says happy anniversary in a sarcastic way, this then means Malcolm forgot it was there anniversary what is another reason why Anna would be angry. This would make Anna think that she is second best and that her and Malcolm dont have a very good relationship. This scene adds to our belief that Malcolm is alive and not dead. We know Malcolm and Anna dont talk much because Malcolm is already dead. But the film leads us to believe that they dont talk much, because Anna is angry with Malcolm because Malcolm was late and Malcolm dont really no what to say, because he is an a difficult position. Anna doest really talk she just looks down at the ground making it look like she is angry. When Malcolm does talk he just starts talking about Cole and nothing else. The camera makes it look as if they are looking at each other, but theyre not because Anna cant see Malcolm. Anna sighs after Malcolm is finished talking, this makes up think that Anna is fed up and has had enough. The two scenes help our belief of Malcolm being alive because, it looks as if Malcolm is interacting with other people and other things, leaving the audience with no reason to doubt Malcolm being alive. It is important that we believe Malcolm is alive other wise, if we knew he was dead from the start most of the scenes would be pointless and would be boring for the audience. At the end of the film we realise Malcolm is dead when we see him talking to Anna, and all the deceptions Cole gave of dead people we see with Malcolm. We see flash backs of the two scenes and we realise that Malcolm never talked to anyone and that he didnt interact with anything, and the only person who could see and hear him is Cole.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

African Culture and Traditions as Told by Waris Dirie :: Waris Dirie Africa Rituals Cultural Essays

African Culture and Traditions as Told by Waris Dirie Waris Dirie was born into a family of nomads in a Somalian desert. Growing up, she was privileged to run free with nature’s most majestic animals, and learned a respect for nature that many of us as Americans could never fathom. However, these thrills are just on the surface of what life is really like for African women. She suffered through intense traditional mutilation in her childhood, and endless hours of hard labor in the fields everyday. At the age of 13, she ran away to escape the marriage that her father had arranged for her to a sixty-year-old man in exchange for five camels. She left with nothing but the swaddling clothes on her back not even shoes to protect her feet from the scorching African sun. Her journey on foot went on for weeks, until she found her sister, who had also ran away five years earlier for the same reasons. After getting reacquainted with an aunt and her ambassador husband, Waris moved to England with them. When her uncle’s term was up, sh e stayed in England where a photographer, who eventually put her on the cover many major magazines, discovered her. In describing her remarkable journey through life, Waris demonstrates examples of a masculine culture with elements high uncertainty-avoidance, and her own individualism amongst such a collectivistic society. Waris’s description of life in Africa is a perfect definition for a masculine culture. She explains, â€Å"Women are the backbone of Africa; they do most of the work. Yet women are powerless to make decisions.† She recalls a story of how her loving mother permitted her to be butchered, because of a traditional African ritual to please African men. When she was five years old, her mother made her an appointment to meet with â€Å"the gypsy women.† Waris didn’t know exactly what this meant, but it was supposedly an exciting moment in the lives of young African girls, and when they returned, they were considered women. Waris recalls in graphic detail being bound and blind-folded by her mother while the gypsy women sliced between her legs repeatedly, then sewed her up, leaving a whole the size of a match-head. She was then drug off to a shelter under a bush where she spent weeks alone to recuperate. Sadly, this is not an isolated case, millions of nomadi c cultures still perform the ritual, and many young girls do not survive the surgery.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Learning Styles And Learning Theories In Human Resource Development Education Essay

Learning can specify as a mensurable and comparatively parameter to place that how much homo or animate being can absorb the cognition in order to go on with experience or by nature. There are many methods to larning something such as hearing, reading, visuals, and an experience. Peoples are different from one another and their non equal. Every individual has alone manners to larn. Learning manners define as an rational capacity, dressed ores, absorbs and remembers information. Each individual has a alone acquisition accomplishments and manners. To farther clear up there are celebrated theoretical accounts found by Honey and Mumford, and Kolb. In Honey and Mumford theoretical account explain four types of larning manners such as Activist, Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatist. Activist means ‘I will seek anything one time ‘ some people if they want do something or learn, they will seek anything one time. These sorts of scholars are open-minded and enthusiastic about new things, act foremost and believe about effects subsequently and easy acquire involved with others. Second learning manner is Reflectors agencies, ‘Look before you leap ‘ these sorts of scholars are larning observe and chew over new experience, and their analyzing all available informations before they act and they think before semen to the decision. Third learning manner is Theorist means ‘If it is logical it is good ‘ this manner says that some people are larning through the theories premises, rules and theoretical accounts. They would ever believe jobs through consistently and logically. The last learning manner is Pragma tist means ‘If it works, it is good, but there is ever a better manner ‘ these sort of people learn if something plants in good manner and practically that is the best manner for them, tidal bore to seek out thoughts, theories and techniques to see if they work in pattern, They are basically practical, down to earth people who like doing practical determinations and work out jobs. In Kolb ‘s larning theoretical account there are four chief phases such as concrete experience ( CE ) is where the scholar actively see an activity, brooding observation ( RO ) is when the scholar consciously reflects back on that experience, abstract conceptualisation ( AC ) is where the scholar efforts to gestate a theory or theoretical account of what is observed and active experimentation ( AE ) is where the scholar is seeking to be after how to prove a theoretical account or theory or program for a extroverted experience. These four phases are matching to Kolb ‘s four propensity manners are diverging ( CE/RO ) means ‘feeling and watching ‘ these sort of people are able to believe in a different manner and different position, they use information and imaginativeness to work out jobs, and these people perform better in state of affairs like thought coevals. These kind of scholars are interested in people tend to be inventive and emotional and they are like to work in groups. Assimilating ( AC/RO ) is the 2nd manner of Kolb ‘s theoretical account, this average ‘watching and believing ‘ this sort of people need theory instead than the practical. They want more an account than the practical chance. Ideas and constructs are more of import than people besides use the logical attack when work out the jobs. The 3rd manner is meeting ( AC/AE ) is average ‘doing and believing ‘ these type of scholars does non necessitate any theories, but they want practical. They can work out their jobs through practical issues ; they prefer proficient undertaking and less relationship with people and interpersonal facets, and people with a meeting manner like to experiment with new thoughts to imitate and to work with practical applications. The 4th manner is suiting ( CE/AE ) means ‘doing and experiencing ‘ this is where the people use other people ‘s analysis, information or can be their merchandise and prefer to take a practica l, experiential attack, they use others information and carry out their ain analysis. They are attracted to new challenges and experiences and to transporting out programs. Peoples with this learning manner willing to work in squads to finish the end and they set the marks and actively work in the field seeking different ways to accomplish an aim When comparing Honey and Mumford theoretical account and the Kolb ‘s theoretical account there are distinguish between different larning manners. Honey and Mumford described the same thing done by Kolb ‘s but utilizing different words, so hence there is no such difference between these two theoretical accounts. Hence there is a strong similarity in Kolb ‘s theoretical account phase one says concrete experience ( Having and experience ) says being to the full involved in an action or interaction, using current cognition and accomplishments but in Honey and Mumford theoretical account manner one describe Militants which is depicting immediate experience, open-minded, bored with execution. Kolb ‘s 2nd phase Brooding observation ( reexamining the experience ) is say looking back at what happened, depicting it, reflecting on the causes and effects of scholar behavior, but Honey and Mumford ‘s reflectors manner is say listen before speech production, ponder an d analyse, hold making decisions. The 3rd phase of Kolb ‘s theoretical account is Abstract Conceptualization ( reasoning from the experience ) is organizing generalisation, constructs and theories that will enable to incorporate observation and contemplations into behavior on future occasions or in other contexts, but Honey and Mumford ‘s theorist manner like people think through logical facet. The 4th phase in Kolb ‘s theoretical account is Active Experimentation ( Planing the following stairss ) is describe be aftering ways in which in scholar can use and prove decision in farther action but Honey and Mumford ‘s Pragmatists manner which is seek attempt and new thoughts, practical, down to earth, basking job resolution and determination devising. Besides activist and accommodating, reflector and diverging, theoretician and assimilating, pragmatist and convergence are similar to each construct. Learning manners are needed to place how the people can absorb and retrieve things. Likewise learning theories are aid to place how people learn through alterations in behavior, environment and ends. The behavioristic attack steps larning in term of comparative lasting alterations in behavior. This is like the environmental control larning. The work of Pavlov ( on Canis familiariss ) and Skinner ( on rats ) suggested that acquisition is the formation of new connexion between stimulation and response on the footing of experience or behavior is positively or negatively reinforced. Therefore in an organisation trainer should ever believe about their trainees ‘ behavior, when doing the peculiar preparation programme. Imagine occupation function for client attention, if the trainee is non like to be societal or speak with others any longer, he/she is silence character. In this state of affairs to avoid this or alter the behavior of trainee, trainer has to do a preparation programme relate to the behavior. Otherwise developing cost and clip will be wasted. To minimum that trainer can give the feedback to the trainee, and increase the morale. Every individual has a end ; human behavior is towards a end. Many be some individual does non hold instruction background, but that does non intend that he/she does non hold any information to make to him/her ends utilizing their experience. Therefore holding purpose or end will take to garner the information or information, hence without any sort of information is difficult to making to the ends. Likewise the Cognitive Approach is specifying as a comparatively lasting alteration in knowledge happening as a consequence of experience. Peoples can larn through the experience and storage of information in the encephalon. They can understand their environment and how it works. They decide what is of import to larn and larn through techniques and schemes they feel comfy with. In an Organization if the trainee does non hold any motive to larn the new stuff to being with, therefore it is of import for the delivering and design of preparation programme. The trainer should non state the trainee ‘s what to make ; instead they should steer the trainees in detecting the right solutions and ways of thought. For illustration trainer should give a end to trainees, hence to accomplish the end trainee will larn. There is another larning manner called societal acquisition attack. This is where people learn through by detecting others behaviour, attitude, and results of those behaviors. Most of the clip, human learns through copying others. First they start copying their parents. Peoples learn to execute actions by patterning, watching, analyzing the manner others do them. In an Organization if there is a good trainer like holding good attitude, good communicating accomplishments, presentations accomplishments. A trainee will besides wish to follow or make the same manner in other word imitative the trainer. Therefore it will be a benefit for an organisation hence trainee will execute best in the hereafter. These types of scholars are really easy grip. When planning and design of larning events in an organisation they should name appropriate trainer for the preparation programme. Therefore trainees will actuate to larn by copying their trainer. The Learning theories offer certain utile propositions for the design of effectual preparation programmes. The person should be motivated to larn. The intent and benefits of a learning activity should be made clear, harmonizing to the person ‘s motivations or ends, wages, challenge, competency. Clear ends and aims should be set, so that each undertaking has some significance. This will assist trainee s in control procedure that leads to larn, supplying marks which public presentation will invariably be measured and adjusted. Each phase of larning should show a challenge, motive, without overloading trainees so that they lose assurance and the ability to absorb information of experience. Besides trainer can plan case-studies ; job resolution exercisings and so on prosecute the purposive procedure of larning. Coaching, mentoring and term acquisition activities engage societal earning. There should be feedback on public presentation and advancement in proper manner and on clip and it should non be hold. Active engagement in the acquisition experience in action acquisition or find acquisition is by and large more effectual than inactive response hence it enhances concentration and conditioning. There is a relationship between the clip spent in acquisition and the degree of competency attained. The acquisition curve is a graph demoing the relationship between clip and larning competency attained. The larning curve as follows, Degree of competency Standard curve Stepped curve Time The acquisition curve describes the advancement and variable gait of larning. It is common for people to state that they are ‘on a steep acquisition curve ‘ when they have to get a batch of new cognition or accomplishments in a short period of clip. The standard curve says that calling or scholar spent larning one thing for a long clip and does non better further. However in pattern this will depends on the design of the acquisition programme and the motive and aptitude of the scholar. The stepped curve says that calling or scholar exhausted tilting many things during the given preparation period of clip and which will better in farther. Stepped curve is common in instances where an single alterations occupations or work methods, or do the passage a non-managerial to a managerial place. However there are larning theories and larning manners available in order to plan the preparation programme, but the most of import portion is transportation of larning.Learner should able to reassign what he/she learnt in the preparation period. If the scholar can successfully reassign the cognition and accomplishments into practical undertaking that can specify as positive transportation. If the scholar is failed to reassign what he/she learnt from the preparation programme into the application of undertaking can be define as a negative transportation. If scholar is learnt something by copying others it will assist for the scholar to altering analyzing accomplishments or presentation accomplishments relevant to the practical applications. This another manner to mensurate how much success of the preparation programmes. As an employer it is really of import to supplying calling development for their employees. An Employer should aware about the preparation programme hence the programme may be expensive or takes clip. Therefore to supply an effectual preparation for the scholars employer should choose the appropriate preparation methods which is up to day of the month and relevant to the application undertaking. Besides before design the preparation programme employer should acquire clear image about scholars, hence people are come from different background so hence their rational capacity and absorbs the cognition degree may different. In order to establish on their behavior, larning capacity the preparation programme should be variable.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Causes and Consequences of the Deep Rooted Conflict among Hindus Buddhists and Muslims Essay

Religion is a deeply rooted aspect in mankind. Since the early civilizations, human beings have developed in such a way there is worship of deity beings. Though there are many aspects of religion, the act of common worship of these deities and practices is major. At most times, political and economic factors are to blame for conflicts around the world. However, some of the conflicts have been caused by religion. The differences in the worship of deities and the practices have from early civilizations resulted in quarrels and supremacy battles amongst the different religions. This document will review the causes and consequences of the deep-rooted conflict among three of the known worldwide religions namely Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims. Causes Most of the religious conflicts among the Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus have resulted from the stance taken by each of the religions. These standpoints can be said to emanate from the texts used for reference in this case the scriptures by each of the religions. This in return has led to the rise of fundamentalists. The interpretation of the scriptures over the years has been done in such a way that each of the religions’ fundamentalists hold their scripture as the only authority with regard to the truth. For the Muslims, the Koran is their guide and the teachings of Muhammad are to be followed by all. For the Hindus, the worship of Gods and adhering to the teachings of the Vedas is the right form of religion. The Buddhists on the other hand will refer to the works of Buddha for guidance. The fundamental principles taken by each of the three religions is what has led to the unending conflict (Dressler & Arvind-pal, 201). Four major selection criteria result in the differences. One of them is faith. At most times, decisions that are made as a result of faith are determined by societal and cultural factors. This understanding is however not taken into consideration by the fundamentalists who determine faith by the virtue of the text used for reference. The Muslims belief is based on the Koran, which to them is the only true scripture. The Hindus on the other hand base their faith in the teachings of the Veras and Buddhists their belief in the teachings of Buddha. This difference results in conflict (Neville, 173). The other criterion that has led to the long spanning conflict by the three religions is on prophecies. For each of the religions, there are prophecies that are held dear by the followers. Deemed to be correct, the prophecies are used to validate the scriptures or reference books. The Muslims will not deem prophecies made by the Buddha or the Hindus’ seers revelations as correct and true. The Hindus will not believe Muhammad’s prophecies or those of Buddha. The Buddhists will not believe in neither the prophecies in the Koran or those proclaimed by Hindu seers, gurus or sages. This prophecy based differences have and will always culminate in conflicts (Dressler & Arvind-pal, 198). Morals are also a part of the selection criteria used by the three religions contributing to the deep-rooted conflicts. For each of the three religions, only their reference texts or the beings of their worship can dictate what is morally right. Everybody else is wrong. The Muslims will consider it immoral for a woman to go in public without a Burkha. This code of dressing in women is not stressed by the Hindus or Buddhists. For the Hindus, cows are sacred and should not be slaughtered. Buddhists on the other hand do not have strict or specific actions considered immoral but leaves it to individuals to judge themselves. Such differences in what to consider as a sin or wrong has continued to fuel the religious conflict (Dressler & Arvind-pal, 178). The last selection criterion that has fueled the wars between the Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus is on popularity. Each of the three religions wants to be more popular than the other, thus in most times, each of the groups feels threatened by the other. Muslims will fight any other religion apart from their own. This is reciprocated by the Buddhists and Hindus where each will want to dominate thus the never ending supremacy battles spiraling into conflicts (Neville, 120). Consequences The religious conflicts between Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists have negatively affected the society. One of the outcomes has been social instability in the affected regions. The constant attack of Buddhist temples and Mosques in India has affected the region. Religious conflicts have evolved and now act as automatic flashpoints for aggression and upset. Constant fights have and continue to break out among the three religions’ believers. In Myanmar, Indonesia there is constant violence between Buddhists and Muslim believers. This is also witnessed in Sri Lanka with a minority Muslim who are constantly attacked by Buddhist advocates. These happenings have led to violence related acts such as sex crimes and destruction of property, fueling instability further (Adian et al., 155). Loss of lives is also an outcome of religious conflicts. This is more evident in Asia, where most of the conflicts have occurred. In India, communal rioting in 1949 between the Hindus and Muslims resulted in deaths. In 1992, there was an eruption of riots all over the country which led to the killing of thousands of Muslim faiths. In Mumbai, there was loss of lives when the Bodh Gaya, a revered Buddhist site was bombed (Adian et al., 180). Conclusion As long as there will be different religions, each with its own practices and teachings, the human world will always be locked in religion conflicts. Striking a balance where Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists all come together is impossible. The presence of the fundamentalists believing and preaching the righteousness of their own religion will always cause conflicts. References Adian, Donny G, and Gadis Arivia.  Relations between Religions and Cultures in Southeast Asia: Indonesian Philosophical Studies, I. Washington, D.C: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2009. Print. Dressler, Markus, and Arvind-pal S. Mandair.  Secularism and Religion-Making. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Internet resource. Neville, Robert C.  Religion in Late Modernity. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. Internet resource. Source document

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Past essays

The Past essays Without coming to terms with past injustices, it will be difficult for Australia to become a cohesive nation. Cohesive; meaning unified, as one, free from discrimination. Throughout history Australia has come across many discriminations, possibly the most outstanding of which is the past mistreatment of our indigenous people, the Aborigines. Before the Stolen Generation, before Federation, before British colonization, Australia was inhabited Aborigines. They lived in harmony with the land had done so for over 10,000 years in an almost utopian-like society. The flora and the fauna provided more than enough for their lifestyle; taking only what they needed from the land, sharing a mutual trust, love and respect for their country. Enter 2003. Whats changed? What happened? Where are the crystal clear oceans, never-ending horizon of the outback, the thick lush bush land? It is a world, destroyed. Not only a world, but an entire way of life, the spirit of the Aborigines, crushed by our ego centric, profit-driven, European ideals. But where did it all start? Where did we go wrong? The very first European visitors to Australia arrived on the Dutch ship, Duyfken, but every attempt to land was opposed by hostile Aborigines with spears. The first recorded European settlers came aboard the luxury Dutch trading ship, the Batavia. The ship ran aground on the west coast of Australia, on the Abrolhos Islands. The surviving members scrambled onto the island shores and assembled a camp. Francois Pelsaert, the captain, sailed to Java to hire another ship to rescue the survivors. Meanwhile rebel leaders killed many of the survivors. Those who survived the slaughter took refuge on the Australian mainland and eventually married into Aboriginal tribes, making the first peaceful contact between Europeans and Aboriginals. Alas, things only went downhill from there. Captain Cook tried to make acquaintances with tribes around...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Descarte and Pierce Essays

Descarte and Pierce Essays Descarte and Pierce Essay Descarte and Pierce Essay Descartes and Peirce both believe in belief and doubt. However, Peirce argument and determination to find a solution to overcome doubt is much stronger than Descartes’. Peirce also makes it known that he is aware of belief in which Descartes does not. Their beliefs result from the notion of clear and distinct ideas. Peirce and Descartes are both rationalists who believe that there is an independent truth and they know it when they see it. The problem that exists is that Descartes and Peirce realize that their senses and ideas could lead to rejection and doubt. The difference between Peirce and Descartes argument is that Peirce argues that to understand the effects of something is to understand what it is. Peirce uses the example of objects which I think is very clever. From the notes it is stated, â€Å"Peirce asks if a hard thing is always hard or only hard when it comes in contact with an object†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Even though Peirce was confused as to what the answer or explanation was, he gave a good justification and explained that one has to understand the effects of things. Descartes believes in the method of hyperbolic doubt which expresses the doubt of any belief that he finds reason to do so. The reason why Descartes believes in the method of hyperbolic doubt is because his senses seemed to have failed him in the past. Therefore, he is not sure if he can trust his senses. Unlike Peirce, Descartes was always skeptical of what he was trying to find. However, his goal was to get rid of the beliefs that caused him to be so doubtful. Peirce has four methods that he tested to lead to belief over doubt. He uses these methods through the concept of inquiry which is to settle doubt. The method of tenacity explains that one should chose to belief whatever they want no matter what the odds may be. The second method that Peirce explains is authority which is the process of believing what is told believe and having to stick to it. The method of rationality is the process of believing what is reasonable. Peirce decided that none of these methods that he tested led to belief over doubt. He realized that the method of empirical investigation was the best method that resulted in belief over doubt. Empirical investigation is to be tested along with a belief and presented (21-22). He explains that this method proves that in reality we can have reasoning of how things really are according to perception. I think that Descartes would say that he agrees with Peirce to a certain extent. Peirce seems more determined to fight for belief than Descartes. However, I think that Descartes would argue that he is encouraged to avoid skepticism. Descartes defines senses as a part of the process of thinking. He also explains that we can use our senses to help us understand the true nature of things. Descartes struggled with doubt and his senses when he used his ontological proof that God existed. For example, he explains that he is aware that he is not perfect and he makes mistakes. He understands that he must know what perfect is in order to give someone the title. He knew that something perfect lead him to have these ideas and that it must exist. His definition of perfect is unique without the knowledge of anyone else and he defined it as God. For example, Descartes believes that God is perfect and deception is a sign of imperfection. Therefore, Descartes came to the conclusion that God cannot deceive. This example shows that Descartes did struggle to accept his own belief without doubting himself. His ontological argument proved, to Descartes, that through God everything must be true. However, he also starts to question whether existing is even through. He even explained that he had a dream and it turned out to be real. In reality, dreams are not real. Unlike Descartes, Peirce believes that with tenacity people can come to a conclusion of what is true rather than be doubtful. Peirce and Descartes both seem to believe that doubt and belief have different effects on humans but they are positive at the same time. For example, in the book Pragmatism in the section The Fixation of Belief by Louis Menand he states, â€Å"Belief does not make us act at once, but put us into such condition that we shall behave in a certain way, when the occasion arises† (13). In this section, Peirce continues on to explain that doubt can lead one to struggle to believe the truth. My position on the issue at stake is that Peirce and Descartes both have some similarities in their positions about belief and doubt. However, Descartes gives me every reason to continue to think that he is confused with life. First, he doubts his existence on earth. Second, he doubts the existence of God and his own physical being. The reason why I am more so on Peirce’s side is because he basically explains that one must have a clear perception on how to believe and have a belief so that they one can eventually understand the meaning of reasoning. It is clear that Descartes and Peirce have different concepts of belief. However, I feel that Peirce is more concerned with reality. I also feel that Descartes has to prove that his thoughts on belief are clear and meaningful to others while he continues to doubt himself. On the other hand, Peirce seems to let his thoughts speak alone. Moreover, Peirce also explains that he is determined to find out how does one come to find that something is true whereas Descartes is in the stage where he needs to find a ‘foundation’ and get rid of doubt as I mentioned before. In reference to Descartes hyperbolic doubt, personally, I think that Descartes focus is for one to automatically doubt everything and eventually notice that there are ideas and assumptions to face. I am uncertain of whether he wants people to doubt everything even when we are thinking of ideas but I do know that he sends a very confusing message especially compared to Peirce’s thoughts. I question Descartes theory of belief and doubt because how can he have a thought or theory about belief if cant make up his own mind about whether or not God exists? Why would the majority who believes in a god believe anything that he proposes after that? I most certainly would not. I understand that one has to go through trial and error in order to succeed and prove one’s point. However, I think that Descartes points are very weak because he jumps back and forth with every proposal or argument that he presents. He also confuses himself as to whether or not he wants to believe in existing, God, belief, doubt, and truth. In conclusion, I think that Peirce’s argument was presented the best. All of his arguments were strong and made a lot of sense. It is clear that he ended his argument with the belief in empirical investigation. From the notes, Peirce states that he believes that if investigation could possibly continue to its ultimate resolution, opinion would settle on one explanation of things. That explanation is what is real and true. He also makes it very clear that one cannot come up with a conclusion nor have a thought without knowing the foundation. Throughout the entire paper I have criticized Descartes work. However, I do believe that one argument that he presented made a lot of sense to me, believe it or not. He explained that even though he is a thinking thing and he can exist without physically being, he believes that he was a mind and body joined together and that one affects the other. I agree with this statement because, as we mentioned in class, I believe that the mind and body have to work together in order for both of them to function properly.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Seven Writing Tips from Stephen King

Seven Writing Tips from Stephen King Seven Writing Tips from Stephen King Seven Writing Tips from Stephen King By Daniel Scocco You probably know Stephen King from his novels and fiction books. While King might not be as renowned as some other contemporary writers, he does know how to sell books. The Positivity Blog recently published an article with Seven writing tips coming from Stephen Kings On Writing. Here is a quotation from point four: King has an honest voice in his fiction and in his memoir. He tells it like it is and makes us relate to him and his characters. Since King ´s fiction often is of an odd kind with strange plots that seldom happen to normal people I think one of his strengths as a writer is being able to write relatable content anyway. One of the keys to doing that is to have an honest voice and honest characters with both bad and good sides to them. People we can relate to with all of their faults, passions, fears, weaknesses and good moments. King ´s characters seem human. That creates a strong connection to the reader who starts caring about the characters. Another key to being honest and relatable is keeping a conversational style. Keeping it simple and using language that isn’t unnecessarily complicated. Using the words that first come to mind. If you are wondering, the seven writing tips are: Get to the point Write a draft. Then let it rest Cut down your text Be relatable and honest Don ´t care too much what others may think Read a lot Write a lot Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About NumbersTime Words: Era, Epoch, and EonDozen: Singular or Plural?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Assignment on children's museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Assignment on children's museum - Essay Example He is a veteran who maintains a calm approach towards work. According to the analysis, she always remains calm and alert, though focused. Because she is old and alert (probably due to old age and experience), she has to ask the question ‘’where are the seating areas for each exhibit area?’’ when she was confronted by Hans, a 35 year old curator, on the need to provide a seating arrangements for the exhibition, Kate retorted immediately that the parents and grandparents of the children who might like to come along with the children must need seats to rest their trembling limbs when they are tired. Her view was immediately supported by Maya Zam, the president of the children’s museum organization. Hans: Hans is a 35 year old staff of the children’s museum that always exhibits his youthful attitude towards his work. He is a curator. Following the generational differences survey, he belongs to Generation X; those who are known for their skepticism and as a result have distrust for institutions and never hide their preference for individualism. As a young man, his youthful nature is shown in his attitude towards policies and decisions of the organizations. He will prefer that children who come to the museum will walk around and see things for themselves, a contribution which was opposed by the oldest staff; Kate. According to the generational differences survey, the Generation X (where Hans belongs) always distrusts institutions and prize individualism. Hans exhibited this kind of attitude when he opined during one of the meetings of the Green Globe Project Team that he prefers communication through emails rather than coming together all the time for the purpose of having meetings. this could mean that Hans prefer a workplace where staffs are not mandated to come to the workplace all the time, rather they should be given the opportunity to work from anywhere making an extensive use of the information technology which is in vo gue. Individualism was expressed in Han’s opinion that communication among the members of the team should be done through emails rather than coming together. This was opposed by Jan; a 65 year old staff who insisted that the advent of information technology should not forbid them from meeting on a regular basis in order to have face-to-face discussions about the success of the additional wing of the museum. His doubt for meeting of the deadline by the team was the main reason why he suggested that communications should be done through emails, because the team meetings normally end up in a logjam due to generational debates and arguments. Anna: Anna is a 48 year old staff of the museum. She belongs to the baby boomer generation. She occupies the post of the assistant production manager. Her attitude towards work shows a desire for dialogue. She is more open to dialogue more than others. Hence, she opined that becoming a generationally responsive team is the only solution for c reating a more generationally friendly space. For her, mutual understanding of each other’s attitude is the sure way towards creating an all inclusive exhibit. Her attitude towards the team meetings reveals the characteristics of the generation where she belongs. The boomer generation is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Social Mobility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Social Mobility - Essay Example In America, people do not have fixed opinions about social inequalities. Most of them think that inequality is unavoidable even though it is undesirable. Social mobility is the movement of lower class from the lower layers to the upper layer. It is a widely discussed term and many theories were formulated in the past to increase the mobility of people from the lower layer to the upper layer. Individuals or group of individuals have specific status or roles in our society. Society often looks or treats people differently based on their intelligence, wealth, profession, community, race, culture etc. Based on the above privileges, enjoyed by an individual or group of individuals, society places people at different classes like; upper class, middle class and lower class. People with higher income and higher social status may often be referred as upper class whereas people with medium income and medium social status are termed as middle class. Poor people and those with low social status often come in the lower class category. When the class system decides based on the financial status, it is possible for individuals to move from lower class to medium or upper class; however when the class system is decided based on culture or race, it is impossible for a person from lower class to move to the upper levels or vice versa. ... When a person changes his profession without any changes in his income, his status changes within the class and it can be referred as horizontal mobility. In other words, changes in class occur in vertical mobility whereas changes in status occur in horizontal mobility. According to Brooks (2011) â€Å"You can pump money into poor areas, but without cultures that foster self-control, you won’t get social mobility† (Brooks, p.320). In other words, money alone may not be helpful in stimulating social mobility. The attitude of the people plays a vital role in stimulating social mobility. Even if a person from the lower class attains enough wealth, the upper class may not accept him as a member of privileged class or upper class in some cultures where caste system prevails. In order to learn more about different dimensions and causes of social mobility, I decided to research this topic further. I have conducted interviews with two families to collect primary data. I have in terviewed my mom for collecting my own family data and another neighboring family friend and this paper is developed based on these interviews. Apart from these primary data, I collected secondary data from internet and academic journals. Both primary and secondary data were analyzed thoroughly to make conclusions about the causes of social mobility. Interview with my mom My mom has a four year MBA degree and she was in middle class during her childhood. At present my mom and my family belong to upper class. In other words, education helped my mom to get better profession and higher status in society. It should also be noted that in US, even lower middle class people ascribe more importance to their education which is a good sign. Education plays a vital role in implementing social changes and it

Chemistry (Metallic glasses) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chemistry (Metallic glasses) - Term Paper Example In particular multicomponent metals, the phase transformation from super cooled liquid to crystalline phase is retarded by orders of 8 to 9. The high glass forming ability, castability, printability and unique characteristics of glassy alloys extend applications when compared to the conventional crystalline alloys. Table 1 gives examples of glassy alloys and when they were first reported. The highest glass forming ability is achieved at compositions near the multicomponent eutectic point with the lowest melting point and is evaluated based on thermal stability parameters of reduced glass transition interval of super cooled liquid region (Inoue, Wang and Zhang, 3). It is reported that the tensile strength of bulk glassy alloys is higher than that of crystalline alloys of the same young’s modulus whereas their young’s modulus is a third as high as crystalline alloys of the same tensile strength. Alloy systems are classified as ferrous and nonferrous (Table 3 and Table 1). The discovery and development of bulk glassy alloys were based on research on alloys that bore the three component rules for the stabilization of super cooled liquid. The first rule is the need for a multicomponent that consists of more than three elements. The second is components having atomic mismatches greater than 12% of the three elements, and the third is the negative heat of mixing among the three major components. An excellent linear relationship satisfying Hooks law has also been observed between tensile strength and young’s modulus (figure 3). The twist angle and shear stress has been found to be 3 times higher than for crystalline alloys. The bulk glassy alloys have high strength reflected by fatigue endurance limits after 107cycles ranging between 0.15 to 0.38 and dynamic durability (Inoue, Wang and Zhang, 4). The endurance of glassy alloys when used as machinery parts has been found

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Radio activity Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Radio activity - Lab Report Example This experiment illustrates that coins can be used in the laboratory to visualize the process of radioactivity. Radioactivity is a terminology used to refer to the spontaneous changes that occur in the nucleus of unstable atoms accompanied by release particles or electromagnetic radiation. In some cases, it is caused by conflict of two strongest in nature. In connection to this, there are several nuclear isotopes. These isotopes emit radiation and are unstable; some of the radiations emitted by these isotopes are gamma, alpha, and neutron emissions. Gamma radiations are photons that are packets of electromagnetic energy. In the electromagnetic energy spectrum, gamma radiations are the most energetic ionizing radiation. They have about 10,000 more energy than the photons that are found in the visible electromagnetic spectrum. In addition, they also have no electrical charge and mass. Since they have high energy, they can travel at the speed that is equal to that of the light and go for long distances without losing their energy. As a result, they are very dangerous and pass through the human body. Alpha particles, on the other hand, have two protons and two neutrons and, therefore, are the same as a helium particle. When an alpha particle is emitted the parent nucleus changes to another element. A neutron particle on the hand has no charge and, therefore, is neutral. Radioactivity is a random process therefore it is impossible to predict the specific time when a particular atom will decay (Cutnell and Johnson 6). Due to the random nature of radioactivity it is, therefore, a probability event that is entirely dependent on chance. In radioactivity, the half-life is the time taken for the number of radio nuclei of a radioactive sample to reduce to half. The randomness of radioactivity process can be compared to the tossing of a coin activity because the chances of a head or a

Business, Marketing and Finance Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business, Marketing and Finance - Coursework Example A company cannot operate without competent leadership that could provide proper direction of the company using clear vision, mission, goals, and strategies. The human resource or their staffs, regardless if they are few, is the backbone of its business relations and operations to provide customer services or to relate with the market where the business establishment is present. Good leadership & staff Good leader or good staff? This researcher asserts that organizational management require both: good leaders and staff. Both are indispensable in organizational management and development. Good business leadership optimize human resources too for good decision-makings to professionally engage their commitments to attain business objectives and goals. Both the management and the staff are indispensable in contributing to the enrichment of the organization and for its operational management to reach targeted outcome. Its structure will often provide or contribute potential support to comp etitive advantage in business management. Both are stakeholders for organizational development and resource generation. Their cognitive abilities and skills are wealth that can be optimized in systematizing organizational management (Covey, 1992, p. 17) Their indispensable mutual assistance in decision-making will also support the business attain a healthy operational condition (Covey, 1992, p. 17) Good leadership is a principle centered-leadership inspired on personal-trustworthiness, interpersonal relational trust, empowerment-sensitive management, and organizational accountability (Covey, 1992). Covey (1992) contended that good business leaders consider all the natural laws, principles and operational frameworks that put virtues and moral responsibility significant in a person’s life, in relations, in contract management and within the core of the organization (Covey, 1992, p. 17). Covey (1992) asserted that effective and efficient leaders adopt on inviolable principles of practicable human nature that are further nurtured by good norms and culture in a society for better social cohesion. Covey (1992) opined that principles are built and nurtured by society and are imbibed in human condition, as well as, in consciousness. Good leaders prefer to adapt on good value system as guidance and direction for better decision-makings, in planning, in enforcing plans, in resolving conflicts, in managing changes, in valuating performances, and in exercising power in organizational development (Covey, 1992, p. 21). This is in correlation to the fact that an organization is not just a simple structure. Its leader must be a representation of great purpose and targeted outcomes rooted from clear planning and execution of coordinated or collaborated tasks to achieve desired outcomes. Covey’s integrated ethical code on business leadership put principles above interests to holistically nurture organizational development toward for a useful institution of the soc iety. Good transformational leaders are therefore essential as managers that could fully assist in the development of a mutually satisfactory business operation and practice that inspire socially acceptable moral imperatives and standards (Covey, 1992, p. 21). Meager capital? Without enough financial capital, a business cannot commence to operate and manage its supply chain. Effective business leadership knows financial management, although meagre, as essential for organizational management because it permeates stakeholders to make accurate decisions

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Radio activity Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Radio activity - Lab Report Example This experiment illustrates that coins can be used in the laboratory to visualize the process of radioactivity. Radioactivity is a terminology used to refer to the spontaneous changes that occur in the nucleus of unstable atoms accompanied by release particles or electromagnetic radiation. In some cases, it is caused by conflict of two strongest in nature. In connection to this, there are several nuclear isotopes. These isotopes emit radiation and are unstable; some of the radiations emitted by these isotopes are gamma, alpha, and neutron emissions. Gamma radiations are photons that are packets of electromagnetic energy. In the electromagnetic energy spectrum, gamma radiations are the most energetic ionizing radiation. They have about 10,000 more energy than the photons that are found in the visible electromagnetic spectrum. In addition, they also have no electrical charge and mass. Since they have high energy, they can travel at the speed that is equal to that of the light and go for long distances without losing their energy. As a result, they are very dangerous and pass through the human body. Alpha particles, on the other hand, have two protons and two neutrons and, therefore, are the same as a helium particle. When an alpha particle is emitted the parent nucleus changes to another element. A neutron particle on the hand has no charge and, therefore, is neutral. Radioactivity is a random process therefore it is impossible to predict the specific time when a particular atom will decay (Cutnell and Johnson 6). Due to the random nature of radioactivity it is, therefore, a probability event that is entirely dependent on chance. In radioactivity, the half-life is the time taken for the number of radio nuclei of a radioactive sample to reduce to half. The randomness of radioactivity process can be compared to the tossing of a coin activity because the chances of a head or a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mason Multi agent model to visualize the bonus culture strategy over Dissertation

Mason Multi agent model to visualize the bonus culture strategy over the traders' incentives - Dissertation Example As the global economy begins to record significant rise over the years, businesses and organizations are doing everything possible to get their fair share of the rise in profits. These people are indeed right to react as such as the world saw worse forms of economic meltdown in the past five years. However, it takes the putting together of a lot of factors to earn a place in the world’s current climate. To producers and manufactures, determining the economic desires of their traders and customers and reacting in a manner that meets these desires is very crucial. It has been said that one of the best ways producers and manufacturers can satisfy their traders and customers is by putting in place very attractive incentives. Incentives come in different forms and it has been argued that the kind of incentive put in place for traders and customers actually determine the kind of behavior that is going to be displayed by traders and customers in their service to manufacturers and pro ducers. To this effect, it has also been argued among most corporate researchers that the bonus culture is a kind of incentive that has massive impact in ensuring that traders dance according to the rhythm of their masters. This is basically to say that bonus culture is an effective way of motivating traders. All said and than, it is important for entrepreneurs and corporate managers to have systems in place that checks the behavior of traders and the impact it makes on their business. The research problem covers three major important components of literature. Firstly, there is the issue of the multi-agent based model. With this, it is worth emphasizing that the multi-agent model shall be the Mason Multi agent model. With the model understudy, the researcher shall have the opportunity to analyze the impact of the technological growth that the world is experiencing now. This is to say that the mason multi-agent model is an innovation in information and communication technology that has come to ease the task of assessing the performance of any business or corporate outfit. The second concept shall be on issue of bonus culture as relates to traders. Under this, the research shall draw a line between bonus culture and trader incentive to see if it is actually possible adopting bonus culture as a workable form of incentive for traders and other business associates. Finally, the issue of trader behavior shall be looked at. Trader behavior is actually going to be the foc al point of the research. This is because the first two concepts are all related to trader behavior in one way or the other. In the light of this, the Mason multi-agent model shall be used to analyze the behavior of given traders of a given organization over a given period of time. Depending on the outcome of the visualization of the model on the trader behavior, the bonus culture shall be employed as an intervention for either bettering the trader behavior or improving it. Main Objective The research has been set out mainly to have an intervention in place to better the behavior traders of a given company. The progress of the intervention shall be analyzed using the Mason Multi-Agent Model. To achieve this all important objective, there are a series of specific objectives that need to achieved in order achieve the overall objective. Specific Objectives The review of related literature, collection of data for the research as well as data analysis shall be done based on the specific objectives set below. More to this, the achievement of the specific objectives shall amount to the achievement of the overall main objective of the research. The specific objectives are: 1. Explore the meaning of the Mason Multi-agent model 2. Find the role of the Mason multi-agent model in business monitoring and evaluation 3. Identify the different behaviors that could

Monday, October 14, 2019

Multimedia & Education Essay Example for Free

Multimedia Education Essay With a vast array of educational sources available online or by using technology which is involved with multimedia, it is only inevitable that a great deal of teaching will be used this way. Advantages may include improved efficiency, interested learning and a sense of enjoyment for younger learners. Traditional classroom based teaching will need to work together with the advances of computer based learning to fulfil and expand the learners knowledge. Bibliography www. computerweekly. com www. mit. com www. nhs. com www. bbc. co. uk. As technology has evolved rapidly in and around our environment, public services are now steadily introducing multimedia and other forms of computer based applications. The Territorial Army (TA) and the National Health Service (NHS) are two that have evolved dramatically within the last ten years in relation to technology. The TA has several high-tech intelligence and weaponry applications and the NHS has such vital modern equipment all implementing some form of multimedia. With this it should only make sense that multimedia be included in another very important sector, Education. Within the last five years multimedia and education have bonded well to produce some very informative information. This has become readily available for children as young as two up to adults participating in education via adult learning schemes. The most significant and straightforward way to view these types of information is from the World Wide Web (WWW). The similarity between primary and university study is that they need to be online indefinitely. Although they need internet access it must not be a limited package. The connection they apply must be quick and effective otherwise users will establish a lackadaisical attitude towards the idea. Inside the last twelve months there has been a surge in primary and secondary schools in particular enquiring about wireless connections. Many schools are looking at this form of connection due to its low cost and flexibility. Laptops can be transferred from one classroom to another, rather than having a fixed station. An example of multimedia used within education is a project aimed towards disaffected children to encourage them back into learning. Interactive mathematics, composing digital music and building virtual 3D art exhibitions are some of the applications which are used and created. The main idea behind the project is to establish a stable bond between pupil and teacher with the use of I. T. Other outcomes which are hopefully achieved is the better retention of the technology they are using (both pupil and teacher). If the time for this technology is used wisely and productively with the school environment it could play and integral part in the pupils advances post education, however if the pupil is not receptive to new forms of teaching then the answer must lie elsewhere. Ian Peacock chairman of Hackney Councils Education Committee said We need to ensure that the childrens use of computers in the classroom provides some of the buzz they get from playing media-intensive games in their leisure time. (ComputerWeekly, 2001). As education and multimedia within the ages of two to sixteen is of great importance, the education of the older age group should also be considered vital for those willing to expand their skills and acquire the relevant knowledge. This next form of learning via means of multimedia shows how far the technology has developed to cater for this age group. MIT Open Courseware is designed to: ?Provide free, searchable, access to MITs course materials for educators, students, and self-learners around the world. ?Extend the reach and impact of MIT OCW and the open courseware concept. There is a wide variety of courses to opt for, from history to nuclear engineering. The site is aimed at self-learners who can log on anywhere in the world and start accessing information on their chosen subject. Lecture notes and assignments are all included just as if they were studying in University. This form of studying is very familiar at present with more than 2000 courses available on the internet reported by 1996. That number has grown progressively and there are courses available today to suit the majority of users whatever their subject. These online courses prove to be significant to those who maybe cannot afford fees towards university or who reside to far from any teaching institute. We live in a very rural area. Access to quality educational materials is a 225-mile drive to the nearest library of any significance. (Self Learner MIT, 2005).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Supply Chain Management Objectives in a Factory

Supply Chain Management Objectives in a Factory Automated sandwich making industry provides ready-to-eat, easy-to-consume and pre-packaged sandwiches. These sandwiches are very popular because of many factors like speed of delivery and the quality that comes with every unit of sandwiches. Automated sandwich plants employ a continuous production cycle that works as per a standard demand and supply schedule. The production process is precise and well maintained, while the process itself is a byproduct of well-calibrated marketing strategy. The production schedule is backed by several other departments whose support is very important to keep the production going without any hitch. Like any other production facility, even sandwich making plant operates in a similar way planning production, purchasing raw materials, registering orders, producing sandwiches, packing them and dispatching them are final delivery are some of the basic processes that occur there. This short paper analyses supply chain management objectives help an automated sandwich-making factory to focus on its production and sales management goals and to create strategies to enhance turnover and profits. This becomes very essential as a large super market chain places a large order for high quality sandwiches. The main objectives of the firm after getting this order is to evaluate, analyze, and review the exiting production practices and later design an action plan that result in the production of 12,000 units of sandwiches every week. To produce such an amount of weekly order, the firm will need to combine its plans and strategies along with streamlining the numerous supply chain components. In addition, the firm will also need to step up the supply chain profitability so that the production process retains its marketing and competitive edge. Like any other manufacturing facilities, even sandwich making plants works on the principles of supply chain management. Supply chain management objectives the most basic measures that drive the production process Lee and Billington (1993) define a supply chain: As a network of facilities that performs the functions of procurement of material, transformation of material to intermediate and finished products, and distribution of finished products to customers. In other words, a supply chain is also an intricate system of personnel, production activities, skills, knowledge, information and resources involved in transferring a given product from supplier to a customer. Supply chains also link value chains as described below in subsequent chapters. Supply chain management is an advanced concept that is considered by almost all businesses in the world. A sandwich making business can easily use the basic principles of supply chain to enhance its product delivery mechanisms by linking several business functions. To introduce a profitable supply chain, a business development manager should design and create a plan the leads to reliable and guaranteed supply chains that also provide high quality products. Supply chain management (SCM) demands a far stringent transformation from administering simple individual departments who handle individual functions, to integrate them in a seamless manner. The result of such an action is the creation of many important supply chain functions and processes. Let us consider a simple example: A firm gets a big order for some products. The details of the order will be dispatched from the sales department to the purchasing department. Now, the purchasing department will start placing the required order with the production department. The production department will produce the required products and dispatches them to the marketing department that in turn will sell the goods to wholesalers and retailers. However, the marketing department will need to asses customer demand by communicating with wholesaler and retailer distributers; the main goal of this exercise is to find out the exact demand for the product. It means that a method of process integration is carried out with different supply chain partners. Integrating supply chain business functions will include well planned and teamwork between buyers and suppliers, production and sales department and through sharing information that is common to all the stakeholders. In the present example, we will consider different business functions of the sandwich-making firm like purchase of raw materials, receipt of orders from retailers and wholesalers, activities of marketing department and inventory department and production and marketing department. Such integration needs the flow of information in a calibrated and continuous manner (Lambert and Cooper, 2000). Appropriate technologies and methods could help manufacturers create an optimum supply-chain system. These are possible by using demand, supply philosophies like push, and pull techniques. Defining push and pull philosophies are very important for a sandwich company that wants to sell many sandwiches per week. Customer or demand side push is actually an entrepreneurial response in hope of customer demand. On the contrary, demand or customer pull is a response that actually results from ensuing customer demand. However, it is very difficult to decide if a particular supply chain is in push or pull mode in a general mode. Here, the business may need to decide what constitutes the supply chain and how different stakeholders act in the supply chain. In the present example, there is already a readymade demand for 12,000 sandwiches per week and this is classic example of customer pull. In most of the supply chain scenarios, demand-push may meet demand-pull and this is the situation when the inventory starts accumulating. This is a typical push-pull interface or a supply chain decoupling point. For the sandwich making business mentioned in this example, the benefits of acting to a pull model is very compelling as the calculated levels of production is independent of forecasts for a future order. The general axiom that works very well here is very simple just produce what you pull from the customer exactly at the rate of their needs. A business that operates in a pull philosophy can perform better to accept changes that usually occur in tastes and preferences of customers. However, the sandwich business that operates in this mode may not use this model unless there is clear demand from the customer side. Many dial-up pizza shops prepare their products based on specific demand-pull to supply a particular number of pizzas. This example is non-analogous to the present sandwich making company. In a typical pizza supply unit, the delivery is held until there is a specific order for pizzas. To be able to respond to a situation, the unit will include bases and ingredients as built-in inventory well in advance. The final delivery will occur only when there is a specific order. It means that there is an evidence of both push- pull philosophies in that example. In the present example, there is already an element of customer-pull and it ensures a confirmed order for sandwiches. Demand-pull philosophy has the ability to reduce waste and inventory and it is more in the direction of satisfying needs of end customers. In the end, a sandwich business that operates on this principle should create a package of practices that include the best supply management principles. SCM Cycle View Model All manufacturing activities are divided into many sub-activities that eventually help the sandwich company to conduct the business operations in an optimal manner. Like any other business, even sandwich making business operates in a standard manner that actually mimics a standard production assembly format. In essence, a given production assembly consists of four important components Customer order cycle, Replenishment cycle, Manufacturing cycle and Procurement cycle. Customer order cycle: This is the mutually agreed cycle time of a given purchase order. It is also a gap between the purchase order creation date and agreed delivery date. In other words, one should expect the time and it may not be the actual date for delivery. The metrics used provides a guide to deliver the order. Replenishment cycle: This is the average time needed to fill a current purchase order. The time starts when a particular order is sent or receive dot entered. This process ends at the time of shipment or soon after the delivery to the customer. Business developers should consider both the actual delivery time and promised delivery time. Manufacturing cycle time: It is possible to quantify this time from the planned order until the report timing of final production process. One can compare the actual production quantity with the intended quantity. Purchase order cycle time: This metric measures the creation of PO to the delivery at a location like distribution center. Here, one may not have the requested delivery date beyond the agreed lead-time. Here is a standard Cycle view model for sandwich business: Note: One can think of supply chain as a chain of communications that occur between two consecutive stages of production. These cycles always share similar types of communications because the entire process will have a buyer and a supplier. As one go away from the customer, the scale of the transaction will diversify and become larger. Fig 1: Cycle View Sandwich Production Process (Supply Chain Management: cycle view figure adaptation after Supply Chain Management Strategy, Planning Operation; Third Edition; Smil Chopra, Peter Meindl) As mentioned before, a customer cycle involves an external demand. The balance side of the supply chain should react to the existing customer demand and later satisfy it without fail. However, the only hitch is that basic process of creating sandwiches from different raw materials (like vegetables, spices and meat) stage to the ready to eat one will always involve spending some time, money and energy. If the production process is not quick enough to cater to the demand of the consumer, the existing demand may vanish altogether. It means that the producer should make proper assessments of all future demands during the production process. In essence, speculations that the producer makes should be more so that they will take fewer numbers of decisions when there is an unforeseen or uncertain condition. All the reactive processes are the pull processes while the speculative processes are push types. Level 1 SCOR Model According to SCC (2000), Supply-Chain Operations Reference is a top-level business processes related to all phases of satisfying customer demand (SCC 2000). Four important business processes organize this model at its highest level. These processes are Plan, Source, Make and Deliver. For the present paper, we will discuss about the Level 1 aspect and this deals with the MAKE process. Fig 2: SCOR Level 1 Performance Metrics, Diagram (After SCC, 2000) In this process, a business entity uses actions that transform raw products or raw materials into a finished product to meet planned or actual demand or confirmed demand. In the illustration given above, PLAN is a process that accumulates demand and supply to set in motion a plan of action that meets sourcing, production, delivery, inventory and other similar needs. With this Level 1 model, a sandwich business creates a wholesome plan of sandwich manufacturing and delivering from consumer to retailer to production and marketing sectors. In addition, it also streamlines the plan with sales and marketing. At Level 1, the sandwich business considers a number of processes that convert raw materials into finished products to meet the demand placed by the consumer. Here, the sandwich business considers both push and pull philosophies to consider the business processes. A typical supply chain is truly dynamic and interactive. A sandwich business will run through many states procuring raw materials like meat, vegetables, spices, packaging materials and other items from a inventory supplier, actual manufacturing process, the process of distributing the products, dispatching them to retailers and eventually to customer and marketing and promotion departments that actually sell the sandwiches. A competitive business will streamline all these processes into one single entity that eventually enhances productivity and profitability. A supply chain also flows in two directions and it has an attached cost and capacity domain attached to it. An empowered and skilled business management team that can create a viable plan along with strong management and supply chain design fundamentals will succeed in the end.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essays --

Many diverse cultures exist across the globe, differing in several aspects, such as beliefs, practices, and values. An example of two cultures that demonstrate dissimilar values are Ancient Anglo-Saxon and Ancient Mesopotamian. These two cultures are known to have expressed opposing heroic values. Two texts that can be accurately used in this comparison are Beowulf, an Ancient Anglo-Saxon text, and The Epic of Gilgamesh, an Ancient Mesopotamian text. Beowulf is among the earliest surviving works of literature. It was written in Old English and dates back sometime before the tenth century A.D. The poem is set in Scandinavia, and tells the story of the heroic warrior, Beowulf. Beowulf was the perfect hero. He fought for his people and defeated evil with his ability to bring on justice. Three of Beowulf’s traits that serve as evidence of this were his remarkable physical strength, his ability to put the well-being of others before his own well-being, and his courage. Beowulf was a true hero, in the eyes of many, through said traits. He fought a number of battles and was triumphant in all, except his last battle. Beowulf possessed the skills and power necessary to kill Grendel, the monster who had been terrorizing the Danes for over a decade, with his bare hands. While fighting, Beowulf detached Grendel’s arm from his shoulder, which was later hung up as a trophy. Beowulf eventually put an end to Grendel’s life, and naturally, Grendel’s mother had pursued Beowulf. Although Grendel’s mother was an even deadlier monster than her son, Beowulf once again proved his abilities by slaying her, as well. He slashed her neck with a sword that carried unbearable weight. Afterwards, he carried her head with only his own arms, while it took the a... ...concerns was fame. He only wanted to build his name. Another way in which Gilgamesh did not demonstrate the same heroic values as Beowulf is the fact that he was not fearless. He was afraid of his own death. We witnessed this after Enkidu died, when he set out on his journey to gain immortality. In both Ancient Anglo-Saxon and Ancient Mesopotamian cultures, works of literature portray heroes such Beowulf and Gilgamesh, and the heroic values that they possessed. The heroes, Beowulf and Gilgamesh, had both similar and dissimilar heroic values, however, Beowulf was by far a better hero than Gilgamesh. While Beowulf and Gilgamesh both possessed remarkable strength and courage, Beowulf was fearless and selfless, which makes him a true hero. After comparing the two texts, it is fair to say that Ancient Anglo-Saxons abide by stricter guidelines in terms of heroic values.

Friday, October 11, 2019

During the month of Kartik in the Bikram Sambat calendar Essay

During the month of Kartik in the Bikram Sambat calendar (late September and early October), the Nepalese people indulge in the biggest festival of the year, Dashain. Dashain is the longest and the most auspicious festival in the Nepalese annual calendar, celebrated by Nepalese of all caste and creed throughout the country. The fifteen days of celebration occurs during the bright lunar fortnight ending on the day of the full moon. Thorough out the kingdom of Nepal the goddess Durga in all her manifestations are worshiped with innumerable pujas, abundant offerings and thousands of animal sacrifices for the ritual holy bathing, thus drenching the goddess for days in blood. Dashain commemorates a great victory of the gods over the wicked demons. One of the victory stories told is the Ramayan, where the lord Ram after a big struggle slaughtered Ravana, the fiendish king of demons. It is said that lord Ram was successful in the battle only when goddess Durga was evoked. The main celebration glorifies the triumph of good over evil and is symbolized by goddess Durga slaying the terrible demon Mahisasur, who terrorised the earth in the guise of a brutal water buffalo. The first nine days signify the nine days of ferrous battle between goddess Durga and the demon Mahisasur. The tenth day is the day when Mahisasur was slain and the last five days symbolise the celebration of the victory with the blessing of the goddess. Dashain is celebrated with great rejoice, and goddess Durga is worshiped throughout the kingdom as the divine mother goddess. In preparation for Dashain every home is cleansed and beautifully decorated, painted as an invitation to the mother goddess, so that she may visit and bless the house with good fortune. During this time the reunion of distant and nearby relatives occur in every household. The market is filled with shoppers seeking new clothing, gifts, luxuries and enormous supplies of temple offering for the gods, as well as foodstuffs for the family feasting. Thousands of sheep, goats, ducks, chicken and water buffalo are prepared for the great slaughter. All types of organisations are closed for ten to fifteen days. Labourers are almost impossible to find; from the poor to the rich, all enjoy the festive mood. Anywhere you go the aroma of ‘Vijaya Dashami’ is found. The first nine days of Dashain are called nawa ratri when tantric rites are conducted. In Nepal the life force is embodied in the divine energy and power of the female, depicted as goddess Durga in her many forms. All goddess who emanated from goddess Durga are known as devis, each with different aspects and powers. In most mother goddess temples the deity is represented simply as a sacred Kalash, carved water jug or multiple handed goddess holding murderous weapons. During these nine days people pay their homage to the goddess. If she is properly worshiped and pleased good fortunes are on the way and if angered through neglect then misfortunes are around the corner. Mother goddess is the source of life and everything. The first day of Dashain is called Ghatasthapana, which literally means pot establishing. On this day the kalash, (holy water vessel) symbolising goddess Durga often with her image embossed on the side is placed in the prayer room. The kalash is filled with holy water and covered with cowdung on to which seeds are sown. A small rectangular sand block is made and the kalash is put in the centre. The surrounding bed of sand is also seeded with grains. The ghatasthapana ritual is performed at a certain auspicious moment determined by the astrologers. At that particular moment the priest intones a welcome, requesting goddess Durga to bless the vessel with her presence. The room where the kalash is established is called ‘Dashain Ghar’. Generally women are not allowed to enter the room where Dashain puja is being carried out. A priest or a household man worships the kalash everyday once in the morning and then in the evening. The kalash and the sand are sprinkled with holy water everyday and it is shielded from direct sunlight. By the tenth day, the seed will have grown to five or six inches long yellow grass. The sacred yellow grass is called ‘Jamara’. It is bestowed by the elders atop the heads of those younger to them during the last five days when tika is put on. The jamara is taken as a token of Goddess Durga as well as the elders blessing. As days passes by regular rituals are observed till the seventh day. The seventh day is called ‘Fulpati’. On this day the jamara to be used by the royal household is brought from their ancestral royal house in Gorkha about a hundred and sixty nine kilometres away over the hills north west of the valley of Kathmandu. A parade is held in the Hanuman Dhoka Royal Palace. The fulpati, i. e. the procession bearing the jamara and other items necessary for the tika, is brought from Gorkha after a three day walk and most of the government officials are eagerly waiting for the fulpati parade to arrive at Rani Phokari in the afternoon. Rani Phokari area is filled with hundreds of government officials meticulously attired in the traditional formal dress. In fulpati, the royal kalash filled with holy water, banana stalks, jamara and sugar cane tied with red cloth is carried by Brahmans from the ancestral royal house on a decorated palanquin under a gold tipped and embroidered umbrella, led by the military platoon of the royal priest. The government officials also join the fulpati parade. Whilst the fulpati parade is heading towards the old royal palace, His Majesty the King observes the ceremonies taking place in Tundikhel, the army parade ground in the center of the city. There a majestic display of the Royal Nepalese Army is held. Guns are fired and the entire valley echoes with the resonance sound of it. The firing continues for ten to fifteen minutes to honour the fulpati. By the time the function ends the royal fulpati is already taken inside the Dashain ghar in Hanuman Dhoka Palace. With this the Dashain feasting starts. The eighth day is called the ‘Maha Asthami’. The fervour of worship and sacrifice to Durga and Kali increases. On this day many orthodox Hindus will be fasting. Sacrifices are held in almost every house through out the day. The night of the eighth day is called ‘Kal Ratri’, the dark night. Hundreds of goats, sheep and buffaloes are sacrificed at the mother goddess temples. In the darkness of the night Durga temples, army barracks, and old palaces all over Nepal hold sacrifices for the mother goddess. The sacrifice continues till dawn. The old palace in Basantapur Hanuman Dhoka, is active throughout the night with worships in almost every courtyard. While the puja is being carried out great feasts are held in the homes of common people where large amount of meat are consumed. The ninth day is called ‘Nawami’. The Taleju temple at Hanuman Dhoka is opened for the public only once a year on this day. Thousands of people go and pay their respect to the goddess day. Temples of mother goddess are filled with people from dawn till dusk. On this day the official military sacrifices are held in the ‘Kot’ courtyard at Hanuman Dhoka. The government allows foreigners to witness this function so hundreds of tourists and diplomats eagerly gather here. Animals mostly black buffaloes are slaughtered by hundreds to honour Durga the goddess of victory and might and to seek her blessing. Military bands play war tunes, guns boom and officers with beautifully decorated medals in full uniform stand there. When the function ends the courtyard is filled ankle deep with blood. On this very day the god Vishwas Karma, the God of creativity is also worshiped. All factories, vehicles, any machinery instruments and anything from which we make a living are worshiped. We also give sacrifices to all moving machinery like cars, aeroplanes, trucks etc. to get the blessing from goddess Durga for protection for vehicles and their occupants against accidents during the year. The entire day is colourful. The tenth day is the ‘Dashami’. On this day we take tika and jamara from our elders and receive their blessing. We visit our elders in their home and get tika from them while our younger ones come to our home to receive blessing from us. The importance of Dasain also lies in the fact that on this day family members from far off and distant relatives come for a visit as well as to receive tika from the head of the family. This function continues for four days. His Majesty also receives tika from the royal priests and then gives on tika to his loyal subjects. Thousands of loyal Nepalese people as well as foreigners also receive tika from His Majesty the King as this is said to be auspicious. After four days of rushing around and meeting your relatives Dashain ends on the full moon day, the fifteenth day. In the last day people stay at home and rest. The full moon day is also called ‘Kojagrata’ meaning ‘who is awake’. The Hindu goddess of wealth Laxmi is worshipped. On this day the goddess Laxmi is given an invitation to visit each and everyone. After Dashain the nation settles back to normal. After receiving the blessing of goddess Durga, people are ready to work and acquire virtue, power and wealth. Dashain thus is not only the longest festival but also the most anticipated one among all the festivals of Nepal.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Music Piracy Is a Good Thing

Music Piracy is a Good thing Pirating music is one of the most common crimes in the world that happens everyday. However, ones you read this essay, I hope you will see this issue from a different perspective, it may not look like such a terrible crime after all. Most successful artists make in the tens of millions every year according to eHow. com. If that's the truth, how badly is piracy really hurting these people? If music piracy is effecting the artist so much then why do majority of the artists are living in mansions bigger than the White House?If pirating music hurts musicians income so badly it would show, and after all this time of pirating music it hasn't. Music piracy benefits artists more than it hurts, therefore it should be legal. Music piracy is mostly committed by people who are everyday people who have average income jobs and have families who end up being sued by big record companies over downloading music for free. It seems a bit to greedy when you look at the diffe rence in pay between the artist and the people who download the songs. ( †¦) say that the people who pirate the music are more likely to go to the show and buy the albums after downloading music (Ernesto).Also, people who pirate music tracks are very likely to develop an connection to the bands orartists and that will lead to them attending the shows, buying albums and merchandise. When putting this issue in perspective, record companies are just looking for money without any consideration for the ways of getting it. Record companies start suing people who have downloaded music for ridiculous amount of money in attempt to intimidate and scare off the fellons from downloading music illegally. The main groups affected are college kids that don't have the money.Sarah Barg was a sophomore at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Sarah received an email from a label company stating that she owed $3,000 to the Recording Industry Association of America (Bratton). For that amount,, Sarah would be paying $7. 87 for each song. Majority of the songs she pirated were from the eighties and weren't even relevant anymore, and yet she was battling record company’s in court over them them. Sixty students like Sarah at UNL received the same similar, as well as hundreds sent out to over sixty other universities across the country. Not knowing ow else to handle the situation, Barg contacted her parents and they had to cover her settlement. â€Å"I don't know what I would have done. I'm only 20 years old,† says Barg. Well over five hundred students across the states have paid settlements to avoid being sued. â€Å"I see it as bullying,† UNL freshman Andrew Johnson says, â€Å"Legally, it makes sense, because we don't have the money to fight back. † Johnson illegally downloaded one song and settled $3,000 to avoid being sued for one song. The money used came from the 18 year old's college fund and he now has to work two jobs to compensate for his loss es.The record companies seem to target those can't fight back. In 2007, major record companies such as Warner music groups, Warner Bros Records, Inc. , and Sony BMG Music Entertainment, tried to sue a young girl from Texas named Whitney Harper for illegally downloading music from file sharing networks on the internet (Malisow). Whitney was at the time was sixteen years old and was being sued for a minimum of $750 per song when Whitney downloaded thirtyseven songs. That is a little over $20,000 and she is only sixteen years old.Harper tried to use the Innocent Infringer Act that would reduce fees to $200 per song. In order to accomplish that, Harper had to prove she was unaware of the copyright laws by claiming that the copyright notice placed on cds were not on the file sharing networks on the Internet therefore she was unaware. The companies referred to the sixteen-year-old as a â€Å"long term massive infringer† of copyright laws. Harper warned that if the companies won the case that downloading music off the Internet could never be innocent infringement. The Harper case is one the few after many years still going through federal court.The companies had stated they were going to begin transitioning away from suing individuals and find better means of fixing the issue. After years of record companies using an intimidation method to fix the pirating problem, it got them nowhere because the amount of pirates only went up, and the efforts by the companies were in most cases useless. According to the Wall Street Journal, they attempted suing many single mothers, a thirteen-year-old girl, and a dead peope. The new approach is for the companies to work with Internet service providers and when music is eing pirated the user receives a warning that they will lose Internet service if they continue(WSJ. com). The companies still reserve the right to sue if someone is a heavy violator or has ignored several warnings, but even with this new system, it still seems like the companies are only out for money, but in an attempt to escape negative attention from the media, they change their approach. According to The Independent, people who illegally download music also spend more money on music, concerts, merchandises than anyone else.The Secretary of State for Business, Peter Mandelson, stated that the record companies new approach to crack down on illegal down loaders by cutting off internet service could potentially harm the music industry more than help it. â€Å"The people who file share are the ones who are interested in music. They use file sharing as a discovery mechanism. † The artists also have mixed opinions over file sharing, some such as James Blunt and Lily Allen are anti-piracy and Shakira is pro-piracy(Shields). Sites have come out with monthly bills for unlimited music plans that seem fairer.Some artists don't feel affected by file sharing and support the fact that piracy creates a bigger fan base for them. Bands like Ange ls and Airwaves have produced free records so copyright wasn't an issue. They figure that the fans will still come see them play and record sales aren't the only thing to being in a successful band. Some artists don't seem to realize that. Most artists make plenty off of record sales even with a piracy problem, so court cases and law suits on everyday people by record companies seems a bit greedy and selfish.Even with the new laws, they are still pushing to stop this unstoppable problem. Today music piracy is referred to as a dead issue. Most cases that are still pending are being dropped. This year a $54,000 fine on a single mother of four was dropped by the U. S. District Court Judge, Micheal Davis, who stated piracy is â€Å"no longer monstrous and shocking. The need for deterrence cannot justify a two million verdict for stealing and distributing twenty-four songs for the sole purpose of obtaining free music†(physorg. om). Thomas Rasset was convicted in 2007 and was order ed to pay $220,000, but the judge who presided over the trial called off the verdict, saying it was â€Å"wholly disproportionate and oppressive. † Her case was one of the thousands that had actually made it to court. In 2011, with new laws, these cases should not be forgotten about. The people who lost cases should be compensated and apologized to because they did nothing other than have an interest in the artist.